Invited Speakers


Prof. Eliana Costa e Silva
Polytechnic Institute of Porto

My name is Eliana Costa e Silva and I hold a PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering, specializing in Robotics (2011), a MSc in Mathematics and Applications to Mechanics (2005), a postgraduate in Statistics (2015), a Specialization Course in Applied Optimization to Sciences and Engineering (2009) and a B.S. in Mathematics (2002), all from University of Minho. My multidisciplinary background results from my passion to apply Mathematics to a wide range of real-world problems in industry, aiming at contributing to academia-industry knowledge transference. I have extensive experience in mathematical and statistical modeling, data analysis, and on the development of solutions for companies. I have gained this experience since in 2004 in my MSc in the European project “Artesimit”. My contribution to the academia-industry knowledge transference is expressed in European Study Groups with Industry (ESGI). I have also organized two ESGI which is included to signal and recruit companies to participate with industrial challenges. Additionally, I have supervised MSc and BS projects in collaboration with companies. My contributions to the scientific community also involved the organization of the V Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods and 10 Special Sessions at Scientific conferences, etc. My work was also recognized by the invitation to be part of the editorial team of the “Boletim Informativo” of APDIO. I have also contributed to the creation of new courses at ESTG, Polytechnic University of Porto (ESTG|P.PORTO) as a member of the creation committees of IBS.


Assoc. Prof. Filipe J. Marques
University of Lisbon

Filipe J. Marques is an Associate Professor at the Mathematics Department of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of NOVA University of Lisbon (FCT NOVA) and he is a research member of the Centre for Mathematics and Applications (CMA). He holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics with a specialization in Statistics by Universidade Nova de Lisboa. His areas of research are Multivariate Statistics, Mathematical Statistics and Distribution Theory, namely exact and near-exact distributions for likelihood ratio test statistics used in Multivariate Analysis, Multivariate Models, Estimation and Computational Statistics.
